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Week 5
Project Proposal Feedback

          After presenting my project proposal, I got the sense that people generally agreed with my approach in using a chatbot to help address habitual change. That said, I also got some invaluable feedback that in retrospect makes a lot of sense in terms of moving the project along.

                First and foremost, I was told that the logo reads more like "insipire" rather than "Winspire," and that the person striking the victory pose is just there more so than actually being part of the logo. Since I do really like the logo however, I'm thinking of creating an animation where a plain W makes it clear that the name is Winspire, and over a few seconds it fades into the person holding their arms up high.

                   On a more relevant note to the project itself, it was suggested that instead of focusing on a diversity of different habits (since they would all require different approaches), I should instead delegate my attention to building out one habit changing dialogue within the chatbot and scale from there. That way, I can really nail down the what, when, where and how and apply my learnings to the other topics without the paralysis that comes with having too much on my plate at once.

                    Another piece of feedback I received was to consider how people would find out about the chatbot in the first place. Though its a good point for later development, I think that for now the chatbot is mainly intended for my current audience and friends whom I refer to it directly. Still, I don't yet have an answer to that point (and it is a good one), so I'll have to think about it deeper.

                         Lastly, I had initially thought that Facebook would be a poor medium for the topic of procrastination, since it would likely achieve the opposite effect of the chatbot's intention (I figured that after getting a notification from Winspire, people would then begin to browse FB). But it was suggested to me (and I remember reading in Designing for Behavioral Change) that implanting the seed for behavioral change directly where the trigger happens can actually make for a very effective habit-breaker.

                          All things considered, I decided to focus on procrastination as my singular topic for now, and to stick to Facebook for the Winspire chatbot, to see if I could use whats generally thought to be a time-sink as a motivational tool to get people to do their work.

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